

Apr 8, 2014


Dear readers, I hope that you missed me. I was ill, but now I'm recovered and I'm preparing new outfit posts. Until then, I have prepared  one giveaway for you. I love to get presents, but I also love to give them. When I recovered, I went to shopping. I bought clothes to myself and for you I bought these two pastel handmade bracelets. Pastel colors are one of the biggest trends this spring and currently my favorite color is baby blue. Bracelets can be worn separately or together and easily they can be combined with other jewelry. I hope you like them!


1. Like Fashion section by Lory facebook page (link)
2. Like and share photo settings public (link)
3. Giveaway s available for all European countries

Winner will be choosen by Random.org.

Giveaway ends on April 21st 2014.

Dragi čitaoci, nadam se da sam vam nedostajala. Bila sam bolesna, ali sada sam ozdravila i pripremam nove outfit postove. Do tada sam pripremila za vas jedan giveaway. Ja volim poklone, ali isto tako volim i poklanjati. Kada sam ozdravila, obavila sam i jedan shopping. Sebi sam kupila garderobu, a za vas sam kupila ove dvije pastelne ručno rađene narukvice. Pastelne boje vladaju ovim proljećem, a meni je trenutno omiljena boja bebi plava. Narukvice se mogu nositi odvojeno ili zajedno, a lako se kombinuju i sa drugim nakitom. Nadam se da vam se dopadaju! 

Pravila za učestvovanje:

1. Lajkajte Fashion section by Lory facebook stranicu (link)
2. Lajkajte i podijelite fotografiju sa opcijom javno (link)
3. Giveaway je otvoren za sve zemlje Evrope

Dobitnika će odabrati Random.org.

Giveaway traje do 21. 4. 2014. 


  1. Totally missed you.. Great giveaway, nice bracelets.. I wish giveaway was open worldwide :)
    Keep in touch

  2. I was wondering how you were, I am sorry you were so sick ... I do hope you feel better soon. Take your time getting better and then you can get get back to posting, enjoy the rest of your week Dolores :)

  3. Nice giveaway ; D

  4. Thanks for your comment on my blog!
    I´d love for me to follow each other!
    I´m following you now at GFC!
    I hope you´d follow me back as well!

  5. Ona bela je bas slatka, nemam ja FB za moj blog jos uvek :( pozzz


  6. drago mi je što ti je bolje:) ubiše nas ove vremenske promjene čini mi se, jedan dan ljeto, drugi zima....No dobro, početak proljeća je uvijek dinamičan.
    :) jedva čekam nove outfite.

  7. good luck to everyone!

