End of January is a time when I stop to buy winter clothes and starts to make a wishlist for spring. I assume you've all heard for Sheinside, on their website I have found some great pieces that I decided to share with you.
Kraj januara je vrijeme kada prestajem kupovati zimsku garderobu i počinjem praviti wishlist za proljeće. Pretpostavljam da ste svi već čuli za Sheinside, ja sam na njihovom sajtu pronašle neke super komade koje sam odlučila podijeliti sa vama.
Sweatshirts are still at the top of my priority list, but now some in girly colors. R.I.P. diet is a sweatshirt that was my love at first sight, but this Dior is breathtaking. What would spring be without a fine blazers and floral prints in my closet? I have to reveal to you that 7 years ago I was obsessed with yellow color. Since the summer tops over the laces on my Converse everything were yellow. It was a phase that lasted an entire summer and since then I can't think of yellow. But now I would like a blazer in that color and this one seems perfect.
Duksevi su i dalje na vrhu moje list prioriteta, samo sada neki u girly bojama. R.I.P. diet je duks koji je bio moja ljubav na prvi pogled, ali i ovaj Dior oduzima dah. I da, kakvo bi to proljeće bilo bez finih blejzera i cvjetnog printa u mom ormaru?! Moram vam otkriti da sam prije 7 godina bila opsjednuta žutom bojom. Od ljetnih topova preko pertli na mojim starkama sve je bilo žuto. Bila je to faza koja je trajala čitavo jedno ljeto i od tada žutu ne mogu smisliti. Međutim sada bih željela jedan blejzer u toj boji i ovaj se čini savršenim.
Two things, number one, this skirt is beautiful and costs only $ 6.85 and the number, two bag is a real fashion treat no matter the season!
Dvije stvari, pod jedan ova suknja je divna i košta samo $6.85 i pod dva, torba je prava modna poslastica bez obzira na godišnje doba!
For a long time I was searching for dungarees and I think I finally found something I like. Now I just need to decide whether I should take a blue or black. But I'm more for a brighter jeans during the spring. These jumpsuits I like very much and if I buy one, it will be another going out from my safe zone.
Već jako dugo tražim tregerice i mislim da sam konačno našla nešto što mi se dopada. Još samo treba da se odlučim da li plave ili crne. Ali ja sam više za svjetliji džins tokom proljeća. Ovi kombinezoni mi se izuzetno dopadaju i ako kupim jedan to će predstavljati još jedan izlazak iz sigurne zone za mene.
Btw. I plan soon to make a post about my shopping catches in January, it will be dedicated to sales that are now in full swing. Until then, read my blog and I wish you a nice weekend! x
Btw. Planiram uskoro napraviti jedan post sa mojim šoping ulovima iz januara, posvećeno rasprodajama koje su sada u punom jeku. Do tada čitajte moj blog i uživajte u vikendu! x
Izabrala si super stvarcice :)
ReplyDeleteI'm already buying for spring too ehehe!
Coco et La vie en rose
Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook
International giveaway - Trendy staple for Spring2014
Kombinezoni su divni :D Inače super post kao i uvijek :*
ReplyDeleteNice ; D
ReplyDeletelove the jumpsuits!
ReplyDeleteGreat picks my favorite the leather jacket. Thanks for visiting my blog
I have the leather jacket!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing!
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FashionEvELand | FEEL
Great post dear....:-)...you have a lovely blog...I am following you now...it would be great if you will follow me back...its good to stay connected...:-) <3
ReplyDeleteI love your clothes' selection! It's a nice one ;)
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Fashion Dupes | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |Bloglovin'
Great post! so beautiful! )))
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Let me know!
so many cute items! would you like to follow each other?
i loved teh overalls :D
Hello from Spain: great proposals. Keep in touch
ReplyDeleteamazing post !!!! I love everything
Nice post! I love Sheinside and also made a post about sweatshirts of neoprene
ReplyDeleteThank you for your lovely comment!
Facebook / Instagram /Twitter / Chicisimo
- Hannah's Heels
Cute the floral bomber! Kisses.
Great selection... i love the black dungarees!!!!
ReplyDeleteKisses darling!!!
I love the yellow blazer and the leather jacket. Great wishlist!
Love your selections :)
ReplyDeleteyOU HAVE A NEW follower. Thanks.
Taj zuti sako je divan a tek ta suknjica na pruge, cak mislim da bi bili dobra kombinacija!!! Pozzz
What a beautiful selection! Love Sheinside!
ReplyDeleteHave a good Sunday
Kombinazoni i cvijetne jaknice su mi divni!
ReplyDeleteHvala na praćenju na FB ... na žalost, nisam te uspijela pronaći na FB da te pratim natrag jer mi preko direktnog klika na tvoje ime ne dopušta a tražilica mi te ne pronalazi. Pratim te preko GFC-a, nadam se da je to ok! ? Ako baš želiš Face, molim te mi pošalji neki link! Hvala i pozdrav veliki! :)
followed you on gfc
ReplyDeletethose jumpsuit are amazing.
Great wishlist, I want the yellow blazer and jumpsuits! x
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog x
nice things :)
ReplyDeletexoxo, Rii ♡
nice selection!!!
Lep post!:)
great wish list!
ReplyDeleteps. don't forget to check my latest post!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page
great items!! one of those black jumpsuits is from 3 seasons ago, from zara! I know it because I have it in my closet! :D
ReplyDeletelove, Bárbara
super izbor!
I love this floral bomber <3
Kombinezon i tregerice su sjajne!
ReplyDeleteDior duks <3
Cuuute :)
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Follow me and I'll follow back immediatelly :)
Love your spring wishlist (: it urges me to make a wishlist soon too! x
great selection , love it all ! :)
Nice outfits ;)
Odličan izbor!Floral bomber jakna je savršena;)xx
ReplyDeleteLove the yellow jacket!!
Great picks. Love that Dior sweat.
ReplyDeleteAdela x
I'm just dying to get some nice overall for spring!