Others say that coat and ballet shoes are fashion no, no. I am in love with this look and it's so handy for this time of a year. Coat in color of pomegranate and peplum top are perfectly blended together. I combine them with jeans, transparent bag and black flats. From jewelry I decided on earrings in gold color. Also, I added sunglasses that are excellent for cloudy weather. I had very busy day and this outfit made me feel better.
Kažu da su zajedno kaput i baletanke fashion no,no. Ja sam zaljubljena u ovaj look i praktičan je za ovo doba godine. Kaputić u boji nara i peplum top su se savršeno stopili. Kombinovala sam ih sa farmerkama, transparentnom torbom i crnim baletankama. Od nakita sam se odlučila za naušnice u boji zlata. Dodala sam sunčane naočare koje su odlične za oblačno vrijeme. Imala sam naporan dan i ovaj outfit me je razveselio.
Pretty girl coat
Zara peplum top
New Yorker printed denim
Marine flats
Parfois bag
You look very chic in red. That bag is so cute. :)
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Lep je kaputic :)