Those photos were taken 20 days ago, I elected them and upload. Since then I was constantly in a rush, I didn't have time to sit at computer and release the post. Finally I found some time to share this outfit with you. Coat and scarf were my last shopping catch from Zagreb. I usually combine pink coat with blue and black jeans. This winter I suggest you to invest money in pastel coat, certainly you will not go wrong, and at the same time you will have a gentle and effective piece in your wardrobe.
Ovo je fotkano prije 20-ak dana, uredno sam pripremila fotografije i upload-ovala ih. I od tada sam stalno u nekoj gužvi, nemam vremena da sjednem za računar i izbacim post. Konačno sam pronašla malo vremena da podijelim ovaj outfit sa vama. Kaput i šal su moj poslednji shopping ulov iz Zagreba. Roza kaput najčešće kombinujem sa plavim i crnim džinsom. Predlažem vam da ove zime investirate novac u jedan pastelni kaput, sigurno nećete pogriješiti, a imaćete istovremeno nježan i efektan komad u svom garderoberu.
Calliope sweater
Aldo bag
Springfield sneakers