
Feb 28, 2014
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Dolores Gubo Brkovic,
fashion blogger,
Fashion section by Lory,
light blue jacket,
modna blogerka,
modni blog Banja Luka,
modni blog BiH,
New yorker,
Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina
Feb 26, 2014
Ordinary Sunday
I love this skirt, especially in combination with sweatshirt or oversized sweater. I decided to wear boots, but you will not go wrong if you decide to wear ankle boots or sneakers. I have pretty long legs (and it's regularly a problem for me when I'm sitting at the table, I don't know who designs so dysfunctional furniture) and this outfit didn't make me look shorter. But if you want to visually elongate legs in this outfit I definitely recommend ankle boots.
Volim ovu suknju, pogotovo u kombinaciji sa duksom ili oversized džemperom. Ja sam se odlučila za čizme, ali nećete pogriješiti ako se odlučite za gležnjarice ili patike. Ja imam prilično duge noge (i to mi redovno predstavlja problem kada sjedim za stolom, ne znam ko dizajnira tako nefunkcionalan namjestaj) i ovo me nije skratilo, ali ako želite da vizuelno izdužite noge u ovakvom outfitu vam definitivno preporučujem plitku obuću.
Skirt thaks to Ahai
New Yorker sweatshirt and baseball hat
Parfois boots
Feb 24, 2014
I think in black
In the last few days I wear mostly black clothes. I usually add some details in bright colors. In this outfit those are the scarf (borrowed from my mom) and currently my favorite bag. This outfit is my attempt to deal with the wind which is extremly annoying.
U poslednjih nekoliko dana nosim pretežno crnu garderobu. Obično dodam i neki detalj u jarkoj boji. Ovdje su to marama (mamina) i trenutno moja omiljena torba. Ovaj outfit je i moj pokušaj da se izborim sa vjetrom koji je izuzetno dosadan.
Tally Weijl coat
New Yorker top
Vintage blazer
H&M scarf and hat
Terranova denim
Kitten boots
Parfois bag
Feb 22, 2014
New Yorker leather leggings
Calliope shirt
H&M hat
Parfois bag
Kitten boots
blog Banja Luka,
Dolores Gubo Brkovic,
fashion blogger,
Fashion section by Lory,
modna blogerka,
modni blog Banja Luka,
modni blog BiH,
New yorker,
olive green,
Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina
Feb 20, 2014
Burgundy leather leggings

This is the outfit from the Sunday. It was too hot, so I enjoyed to wear T-shirt and blazer. Since I love olive green leggings from the New Yorker, and discount was huge, I bought another one olive green (just in case) and one in the burgundy. We were at lunch, and then we enjoyed the sun and the short walk.
As for the giveaway, it is finished and the winner will be choosen by Dressale. They will inform the winner by email.
I would like to inform you that the Persunmall organize giveaway. To participate in this giveaway it is only important that you have Facebook account. The prize is a voucher worth $60 that you can spend on their site. Details can be found HERE.
Follow Fashion section by Lory on INSTAGRAM
Ovo je outfit od nedjelje. Bilo je prevruće, tako da sam uživala u majici kratkih rukava i blejzeru. S obzirom da obožavam maslinasto zelene helanke iz New Yorker-a, a sniženje je bilo baš veliko, kupila sam još jedne zelene (za svaki slučaj) i ove burgundy. Bili smo na ručku, a nakon toga smo upijali sunce dok smo šetali.
Što se tiče giveaway-a, on je završen, a pobjednika bira Dressale. Oni će pobjednika obavijestiti mailom.
Ovom prilikom želim da vas obavjestim da Persunmall organizuje giveaway. Za učestvovanje je bitno samo da imate Facebook account. Nagrada je vaučer u vrijednosti $60 koji možete potrošiti na njihovom sajtu. Detalje možete pogledati OVDJE.
Pratite Fashion section by Lory i na INSTAGRAM-u
H&M blazer
Reserved scarf
Feb 17, 2014
100th post
Weekend was wonderful and we mostly spent it outside. Outfit is in my favorite pastel colors. It's a relief to get out of the house without a jacket or coat. This is the 100th post and I want to thank you all for coming every day to my fashion section. On this occasion I would like to share something else with you. I started the blog because I am fashion lover and my goal was to raise awareness of people about dressing and style. Main thing here is the outfit. Positive and negative comments about the outfit will always be published and those that are related to my appearance will remain unpublished. I can't get hurted by ugly comments, because I am fully pleased with myself and I'm aware of mine good and bad sides. I recommend that you leave your computer and negative comments, and enjoy your life and build your selfconfidence by accepting yourself. Much better is to be someone with your full name and to stand behind your opinions, than to be just another Anonymous.
Vikend je bio predivan i većinom smo ga proveli van kuće. Outfit je u meni omiljenim pastelnim bojama. Pravo je olakšanje izaći iz kuće bez kaputa ili bunde. Ovo je 100. post i želim svima vama da se zahvalim što svakodnevno dolazite u moj modni kutak. Ovom prilikom željela bih još nešto da podijelim sa vama. Blog sam pokrenula jer sam zaljubljenik u modu, a na drugom mjestu je bio cilj da podignem svijest ljudi o oblačenju i stilu. Ovdje je riječ o outfitu. Pozitivne i negativne komentare vezane za outfit ću uvijek objaviti, a oni koji su vezani za moj izgled će ostati neobjavljeni. Ne mogu da me povrijede ružni komentari, jer sam sasvim zadovoljna sobom, svjesna sam svojih vrlina i mana. Preporučujem vam da se ostavite računara, zajedljivih komentara i da uživate u životu i gradite svoje samopouzdanje prihvatajući sebe. Puno bolje je biti neko sa imenom i prezimenom i stajati iza svojih stavova, nego biti samo još jedan Anonimus u nizu.

New Yorker pants and shoes
Tally Weijl jacket
Necklace thanks to Choies
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